Saturday, May 2, 2009

i'm going to need to lay off late night chocolate

okay, so there was this dream that i had last night where we lived in a world where it was acceptable to switch your voicebox (located underneath your adam's apple) to change your voice tone. the problem with this was that to undergo this procedure, one would have to slice an approximately 2 inch incision right beside your adam's apple and then take out your voice box, then reinsert the one of your choice. apparently my sister wanted to sound deeper to sing alto, so she asked my dad to do this incision. my dad accepted, and so the procedure began. since this was a normal procedure that everyone did once a week (such as girls changing boyfriends) i just watched some tv. unfortunately, i heard a cry of pain and went to see what was the matter and my sister was there lying in her own freaking pool of blood from the incision because apparently my dad made a 3 inch cut instead of a 2 inch. i picked up the phone to call 911 while my dad started to do cpr (wtf?). midway of telling the ambulances to come to my house my sister came alive again and hugged me. then she bled all over my new white converse. i remember that part the most.

in other news, while driving home from piano, i noticed a sign that said "increase power to vote" and i immediately thought of RPGs (the gaming kind). wouldn't it be so cool if your vote counted for more if you did stuff like in an RPG? we'd all start at level 1 or something, and then if we did something good for the community like pick up garbage we'd get exp points where we could then level up. and every level would count towards your voting abilities. so if you were level 2 your vote would count for 2 ballots. and then there would be abilities and spell casting, of course, that could screw up your opposing candidate's performance like having john mccain say something like "i like men" rather than "i like peace".

yeah. time to lay off the chocolate. but hell, three muskateer bars are orgasmic in my mouth.

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